Business Responsibilities

1. Deal directly with customers on daily basis
            a. Face2Face
            b. web conference or video conference
            c. Telephone
            d. electronically ie email, chat
2. Respond to the customer promptly and answer the queries
3. On regular basis verify the customer satisfactions
4. Communicate and Coordinate with internal low level teams on surprise visits
5. Communicate with high level team on regular basis
6. Issues to be recorded and resolution to be provided
8. Keep records of interactions and transaction details.
9. Always keen on what you need to do ......not to be depended
10. Networth transactions to be validated regularly
11. Business Knowledge and product knowledge is required.
12. Data collections and keep looking for opportunity for growing
13. Share the information and listen to the other business owners about gain and loss.
14. Keen on process improvement and account growing.


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